The trail was nicely muddy and rutted, with big puddles and slippery spots, Treacherous riding for me when I am at the top of my form. Between the unstable surface and the dappled shade, which makes it hard for me to see obstacles, I chose to walk up the hill. As we moved deeper into the forest I ng of being began to notice the very deep silence. I realized how inured I have become to noise pollution in our neighborhood. Here in the forest there is no freeway noise, no leaf blowers, no delivery trucks, no air traffic. The quiet settled down upon me like a fluffy comforter. All I could hear was birdsong and the occasional church bell wafting over the canopy. I trudged along in the mud, enjoying the feeling of being cuddled by quiet.
Finally I could see some sunny patches coming up on the road and the ground got drier. Just as I emerged from the forest an obnoxious yellow dirt bike roared over the crest of the hill, and rooster tailing a spurt of dirt and gravel, made a hard right turn and off he roared into the forest. What a shock!
The day was sunny and blue and the fore cased afternoon rain did not appear. We finished up our ride on the road and made it home for lunch and packing. We leave tomorrow. by Geralynn

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